Man with a stoma barred from enjoying the attractions at a popular holiday resort with his ostomy pouch on show
Sarah Russell presents the introduction to her new book on how to recover faster with activity, exercise and lifestyle
Tomas the Stoma has composed a few lines on what it is like to live with Clare Mee
Stoma care nurses Jane Cook and Jackie Hatton discuss the results of their survey on the names that people give to their stomas
Benjamin Wakefield discusses podcasts in his introduction to the third issue of Stoma Tips
Liz Richardson speaks about her one-woman play Gutted, a shameless tale of love, laughter and lavatories, co-created with director Tara Robinson
John Walsh covers some of the work Stomawise has been doing to make flying a breeze for people with a stoma
Yvette Perston introduces a charity helping mothers with weakened core muscles, sore skin and body image issues related to faecal incontinence due to childbirth
John Walsh introduces the second issue of Stoma Tips
The risks of developing a parastomal hernia and how this can be avoided by wearing the right support garment are explained by Lorraine Alikhanizadeh of Comfizz
Cristina Smith, Customer Services Executive at Liverpool John Lennon Airport, talks about the work her team has done to make air travel easier for ostomates